OFF stage

Temple of Poseidon, Athens GR
With the composer Patricia Alessandrini (2025)

Athens, GR
With the composer Patricia Alessandrini (2025)

Athens Capodistrian University, GR
Recording session with the composer Patricia Alessandrini (2025)

Salt Lake City, UT

Garden of the Gods, CO

San Francisco, CA

San Francisco, CA

Berkeley, CA
Post-concert moment with the composers (from left to right) Ines Thiebaut, Emily Howard, Cindy Cox, Patricia Alessandrini (2024)

Barkeley, CA

CCRMA, Stanford, CA

CCRMA, Stanford, CA

Yosemite National Park, CA

Los Angeles, CA

Berlin, DE

Athens, GR

Houston, TX

San Antonio, TX

San Antonio, TX

Indiana Dunes State Park, IN

Decorah, IA
With the composer Joyce Brooke (2022)

Athens, GR

CD presentation, Athens, GR

CD presentation, Athens, GR
With the composer Yiorgos Vassilandonakis and the radio producer Julietta Karori (2023)

Philadelphia, PA
Post - concert moment with the composers (from left to right) David Thomas and David Martynuik (2022)

Minneapolis, MN

Newark, DE
With the composer Thomas Bramel and his wife Judy (2022)

Pipersville, PA
With the composer David Martynuik and his wife Laurie (2022)

Chimney Rock State Park, NC

Charleston, SC
With the composer Yiorgos Vassilandonakis (2021)

Gainesville, FL
With the composer Paul Richards (2021)

Savannah, GA
With the composer Martin Gendelman (2021)

Atlanta, GA

Atlanta, GA
National Capodistrian University of Athens, GR